

Renewal of the course Working Safely with Asbestos Containing Materials was approved by ASQA and will be available for delivery from 3 March 2020.  

The renewed course has been entered on the National Register as follows: 10852NAT Course in Working Safely with Asbestos Containing Materials

This equivalent course will replace 10559NAT Course in Working Safely with Asbestos Containing Material.


Evidence from industry indicates that despite the detail contained in the appropriate Code of Practice, potentially dangerous work practices are currently still being used to drill or penetrate ACMs, placing workers, householders and others at risk of inhaling asbestos fibres.

With nationally accredited training for asbestos awareness and asbestos removal, it was identified that there was no accredited training for the significant workforce cohort to work competently around asbestos and ACMs. 

In response to this identified need, E-Oz Energy Skills Australia developed and is the custodian of 10852NAT Course in Working Safely with Asbestos Containing Materials. The only nationally accredited course designed specifically to train workers in how to safely drill into asbestos containing materials, minimising risks to the individuals and the community. 

Given the prevalence of ACMs in the built environment in Australia and the number of individuals that come into contact with ACMs as part of their daily work tasks, this course has great potential to be taken up by a range of sectors and industries to provide their operatives with the skills and knowledge to work safely with ACMs in their day to day activities.

Course Overview

10852NAT Course in Working Safely with Asbestos Containing Materials is underpinned by extensive research and supervised development testing of existing technologies (on actual ACM) to reduce exposure to friable asbestos and has been designed to provide the knowledge and skills to identify ACMs and implement the necessary controls before performing work that may involve activity that will potentially liberate the asbestos fibres from their bonding material, typically around residential and commercial premises

Mandatory in the ACT

In February 2019 the ACT Government announced from 1 July 2019, it will be mandatory for people in occupations that are likely to work with materials that contain asbestos must complete 10559NAT Course in Working Safely with Asbestos Containing Materials (or its equivalent successor).

Further information on the ACT requirements can be found on WorkSafe ACT.

E-Oz has worked closely with the ACT Government and ACT Worksafe Inspectors will be able to access a secure portal to enable them to monitor who has enrolled and/or completed the required training in the ACT.

Approved Registered Training Organisation are as followed:

Expression of Interest

This training is effected through the RTOs being licenced  by E-Oz, all training and assessment resources are provided though Energy Space who also provide comprehensive reporting.  To initiate the process the RTO should submit the EOI by clicking here.